I like big, high resolution monitors. The bigger the better. I can’t understand how so many young developers and engineers seem to be content to peer into the tiny screens on their Macbooks that offer only a few visible lines of code in perhaps two simultaneous columns, with any...
Building the phototrap. Part 5: The long range infra-red beam sensor
posted by Andy
All the phototraps that I’ve seen on the internet include some variation on the infra-red beam breaking sensor. The technique is simple to explain. You place an infra-red source directly in-line with an infra-red emitter and when an object comes between the two you trigger the camera, or...
Building the phototrap. Part 3: Control unit assembly
posted by Andy
In the previous article in this series I explained the steps necessary to build the control board. Now, with that completed we are ready to prepare the box that will contain all the components. Back in part 1 I presented a photograph of the box that I’d found to hold the project. Here it...
Building the phototrap. Part 2: The control unit electronics
posted by Andy
In part one of this series I documented the requirements for my phototrap project and chose the major components that I will use. This article will document the electronics used inside the control unit. The camera triggers When a sensor (or sensors) is triggered we are going to allow the user...
Building the phototrap. Part 1: Design.
posted by Andy
Welcome to the first in a series of posts where I will document the design and build of a microcontroller based camera/flash phototrap that can support multiple sensors and multiple cameras and flashes. The problem As many of you are aware I have a keen interest in bird photography,...