The code presented in this article requires a minimum of version 3.0.0 of my stm32plus library. The HX8347A controller I have written a C++ driver for 320×240 (QVGA) TFT LCD panels that have an HX8347A controller built in to them. This driver is included with my open...
stm32plus – A C++ library for STM32 development
posted by Andy
The latest release is now 3.0.0. Be sure to check out the announcement here. This post will introduce stm32plus, an open source library for the STM32 ARM Cortex M3 series of microcontrollers. stm32plus aims to abstract away the nitty gritty details of programming the on-chip...
512Kb SRAM expansion for the Arduino Mega (design)
posted by Andy
Often when prototyping with an Arduino you run into the memory limitations inherent in a microcontroller programming environment. The Arduino Mega series goes a long way to solving the program size issues, offering as it does 128Kb and 256Kb formats. But what about the SRAM? Even the mega only...
512Kb SRAM expansion for the Arduino Mega (build)
posted by Andy
The second in this series of articles covers the PCB design and build process for the memory expansion board The Eagle board layout The board layout The signal lines are 10mil wide and the power lines are 16mil. I hand routed some of the power lines myself and then let Eagle’s...
512Kb SRAM expansion for the Arduino Mega (software)
posted by Andy
The final part of this series of blog posts will present some open source software that you can use to exploit the new memory space. You can download the library source code from my downloads page. The xmem library I’ve put together a collection of functions into a library that you can...
Olimex ARM-USB-TINY-H FTDI 64 bit Windows 7 drivers
posted by Andy
The Olimex ARM-USB-TINY-H is a low-cost JTAG debugger for ARM devices such as the STM32. The problem is that the software and drivers that come on the CD are seriously out of date and only work for Windows XP users, an operating system that so outdated that even Microsoft has discontinued...
Building the phototrap. Part 5: The long range infra-red beam sensor
posted by Andy
All the phototraps that I’ve seen on the internet include some variation on the infra-red beam breaking sensor. The technique is simple to explain. You place an infra-red source directly in-line with an infra-red emitter and when an object comes between the two you trigger the camera, or...
STM32 progress update
posted by Andy
It’s roughly a month now since I got an STM32 (ARM Cortex M3) board in the workshop and I think it’s high time I gave an update on my progress. A free toolchain It shouldn’t be this difficult. Really it shouldn’t. My goal was to setup a toolchain from open source...