Andy's Workshop Forums

General Category => stm32plus C++ library => Topic started by: Andy Brown on July 26, 2015, 10:35:54 am

Title: stm32plus code snippets
Post by: Andy Brown on July 26, 2015, 10:35:54 am
As I write more and more stm32plus code I thought it might help people if I share small snippets of code to do common tasks in the spirit of the github gist. Feel free to contribute snippets yourself and/or comment on others.
Title: Re: stm32plus code snippets
Post by: Andy Brown on July 26, 2015, 10:50:11 am
I needed to generate a high frequency 50/50 PWM signal out of PA2 on the F0. The device I was working with was fairly flexible on the exact frequency so I chose 12MHz because it's an exact division of the 48MHz core clock which means that a precise frequency will be generated. PA2 is the TIM2 channel 3 output. Here's how I did it:

      > clk;


The timer is set to tick at 24MHz with a very low reload count of 1 so it will toggle every tick giving a frequency of 12MHz. Adjusting the frequency will get you different frequencies. For example, 48000000 will get you the maximum frequency of 24MHz and 12000000 gets you 6MHz.
Title: Re: stm32plus code snippets
Post by: Andy Brown on October 31, 2015, 04:30:40 am
A request came in to the github issues tracker ( asking for an iterator feature for GPIO pins that could function like an STL iterator ( and therefore take advantage of the utilities provided in the <algorithm> ( header.

I've now added this feature ( to the master branch to be released with version 4.0.3. You will need to include <algorithm> for most of the STL algorithms and "util/StdExt.h" for the algorithms that I've imported from the C++11 release of the STL (all_of (, any_of (, none_of (, find_if_not (

Here's some examples of possible usage:

Set all pins high in a group using just the iterator:

GpioC<DefaultDigitalOutputFeature<1,7,9,12,14>> pc;

for(auto it=pc.begin();it!=pc.end();it++) {

Set all pins high in a group using a C++11 lambda:

GpioC<DefaultDigitalOutputFeature<1,7,9,12,14>> pc;

std::for_each(pc.begin(),pc.end(),[](GpioPinRef &g) { g.set(); });

Check if all pins are high in a group using a C++11 lambda:

GpioC<DefaultDigitalInputFeature<0,1,2,7,12>> pc;

if(std::all_of(pc.begin(),pc.end(),[](GpioPinRef& g){ return; }) ) {
  // all pins are high

In a configuration where some port pins are output and some are input, do something if at least one of the input pins is set:

GpioC<DefaultDigitalInputFeature<1,7>,DefaultDigitalOutputFeature<8,9>> pc;

if(std::any_of(pc.begin(),pc.end(),[](GpioPinRef& g){ return g.getMode()==Gpio::INPUT &&; }) ) {
  // at least one pin is set